Taha Mahmood Apps

Jami`a at-Tirmidhi in Arabic, English & Urdu 1.3
Taha Mahmood
Jami` at-Tirmidhi is a collection of hadith compiled by Imam Abu`Isa Muhammad at-Tirmidhi (rahimahullah). His collection isunanimously considered to be one of the six canonical collectionsof hadith (Kutub as-Sittah) of the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).Features: • Complete Book with multiple translation in Arabic,English and Urdu. • Simply comprehensible functionality yetpleasant graphics. • Ahadiths on nearly every aspect of lifematters are covered in it such as Faith, Purification, Prayers,Zakat, Fasting and many others. • With last read hadithfunctionality user can know navigate easily to last read hadith. •With Favorite Hadiths functionality user can mark his favoritehadiths into his collection. • Font Size can be modified from smallto large in relation to one`s own taste. • 5 distinct Font Colorsare available to choose from. • Share option is also on hand whichlets user communicate others about this greatly valuable app viadiverse sharing platforms. • Full and Authentic Book. • Completelyfree. • Share functionality let the user to share hadith ondifferent social media platforms e.g: Facebook, Gmail, Twitter etc.Download this free application Jami`a at-Tirmidhi in Arabic,English & Urdu and easy to utilize collection of Sahih Hadithto gain insight about many of the valid Ahadith compiled by ImamAbu `Isa Muhammad at-Tirmidhi (rahimahullah).
Sahih Al-Bukhari Sharif 1.0.2
Taha Mahmood
We are pleased to be able to provide theEnglish Translation of Sahih Bukhari.Sahih Bukhari is a collection of sayings and deeds of ProphetMuhammad (pbuh), also known as the Sunnah. The reports of theProphet's (saw) sayings and deeds are called ahadeeth. Imam Bukharilived a couple of centuries after the Prophet's (saw) death andworked extremely hard to collect his ahadeeth. Each report in hiscollection was checked for compatibility with the Qur'an, and theveracity of the chain of reporters had to be painstakinglyestablished. Bukhari's collection is recognized by the overwhelmingmajority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authenticcollections of the Sunnah of the Prophet(pbuh).Bukhari (full name Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail bin Ibrahim binal-Mughira al-Ja'fai) was born in 194 A.H. and died in 256 A.H. Hiscollection of hadeeth is considered second to none. He spentsixteen years compiling it, and ended up with 2,602 hadeeth (9,082with repetition). His criteria for acceptance into the collectionwere amongst the most stringent of all the scholars ofahadeeth.Sahih Bukhari is divided into nine volumes, each of which hasseveral books. Each book contains many ahadeeth. The ahadeeth arenumbered consecutively per volume. The books really only serve togroup ahadeeth together, but the volumes impose thenumbering.
Sunan Abi Dawud in Arabic, English & Urdu 1.3
Taha Mahmood
Sunan Abi Dawud in Arabic, English & Urdu is a collection ofhadith compiled by Imam Abu Dawud Sulayman ibn al-Ash'athas-Sijistani (rahimahullah). It is widely considered to be amongthe six canonical collections of hadith (Kutub as-Sittah) of theSunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ). It consists of 5274 ahadith. Features: •Complete Sunan Abi Dawud with multiple translation in Arabic,English and Urdu. • Simply comprehensible functionality yetpleasant graphics. • Ahadiths on nearly every aspect of lifematters are covered in it such as Faith, Purification, Prayers,Zakat, Fasting and many others. • Font Size can be modified fromsmall to large in relation to one`s own taste. • Font Style areavailable to choose from. • Share option is also on hand which letsuser communicate others about this greatly valuable app via diversesharing platforms. • With last read hadith functionality user canknow navigate easily to last read hadith. • With Favorite Hadithsfunctionality user can mark his favorite hadiths into hiscollection. • Full and Authentic Book Completely free. Downloadthis free application Sunan Abi Dawud in Arabic, English & Urduand easy to utilize collection of Sahih Hadith to gain insightabout many of the valid ahadith.
Sahih Al-Muslim 1.0.2
Taha Mahmood
This app contains all the hadiths from theSahih Muslim book.Sahih Muslim is collection of sayings reported from the belovedProphet Muhammad (SAW). The App contains many Ahadith to increaseyour knowledge about Islam and to live a better life following thepath of prophet Mohammed (SAW). App contains the collection ofAhadith based on different type of topics of life.Each topiccontain many Ahadith narrated by Sahaba (R.A).Features:• Simply comprehensible functionality yet pleasant graphics.• A wide range of Books on Ahadith recorded by Imam Muslim.• Ahadiths on nearly every aspect of life matters are covered in itsuch as Faith, Purification, Prayers, Zakat, Fasting and manyothers.• Font Size can be modified from small to large in relation toone`s own taste.• 5 distinct Font Colors are available to choose from.• Share option is also on hand which lets user communicate othersabout this greatly valuable app via diverse sharingplatforms.• Full and Authentic Book.• Completely free.• Share option, e.g: Facebook, Gmail, Twitter etc.Download this free and easy to utilize collection of Sahih Hadithto gain insight about many of the valid Ahadith compiled by ImamMuslim.
Sunan Ibn Majah in Arabic, English & Urdu 1.3.1
Taha Mahmood
Sunan Ibn Majah is a collection of hadith compiled by Imam Muhammadbin Yazid Ibn Majah al-Qazvini (rahimahullah). It is widelyconsidered to be the sixth of the six canonical collection ofhadith (Kutub as-Sittah) of the Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ).Features: • Complete Book with multiple translation in Arabic,English and Urdu. • Simply comprehensible functionality yetpleasant graphics. • Ahadiths on nearly every aspect of lifematters are covered in it such as Faith, Purification, Prayers,Zakat, Fasting and many others. • Font Size can be modified fromsmall to large in relation to one`s own taste. • 5 distinct FontColors are available to choose from. • Share option is also on handwhich lets user communicate others about this greatly valuable appvia diverse sharing platforms. • Full and Authentic Book. • Withlast read hadith funtionality user can know navigate easily to lastread hadith. • With Favorite Hadiths functionality user can markhis favourite hadiths into his collection. • Completely free.Download this free application Sunan Ibne Majah English & Urduand easy to utilize collection of Sahih Hadith to gain insightabout many of the valid Ahadith compiled by Imam Muhammad bin YazidIbn Majah al-Qazvini.
Islamic Stories: Prophets & Sahabas 1.3
Taha Mahmood
Islamic Stories is an android application. It is the largestcollection of Narratives, Anecdotes, Islam Stories, Qur'an Stories,Prophet Stories, True Stories, Auto-Biography Life History in theQuran, and Tafsir, Sahabas life stories. Enjoy reading our ShortIslamic Stories of true happiness again and again to learn therealities of life, pain, and suffering, problem, and solutions.Here you can read Islamic stories in English, stories are in theform of English Texts, just click on story categories and startreading English Islamic stories. Features: - All Stories(Quran,Sahaba's and Prophets) in English - Easy and quick index navigation- No internet or online connection required for reading - Designedfor both Android mobile phones and tablets Download IslamicStories: Prophets & Sahabas Free application today... StayBlessed Always...
Sayings of Sahaba(R.A.), Scholars & Saints 1.4
Taha Mahmood
Sayings & Quotes of Sahaba and Salaf contains differentNarrations of Sahaba (Companions of the Prophet) and Salaf. Salafis our righteous predecessors, the earliest scholars of Islam. Theyare the Companions, their Successors, and their Successors. Theapplication is divided into the following categories. 1. Hazrat AbuBakr Siddique (R.A) 2. Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) 3. Hazrat UsmanGhani (R.A) 4. Hazrat Ali (R.A) 5. Sayings of Salaf. Features: -Completely offline - All Sayings in English - Easy and quick indexnavigation - Designed for both Android mobile phones and tabletsDownload this free application Sayings & Quotes of Sahaba andSalaf and easy to use the collection of Quotes & Narrations.NOTE: We appreciate your feedback! Do write to us if you havesuggestions/corrections!
Bulughul Maram Malaysian 1.0.2
Taha Mahmood
Bulughul or Bulugh Maram al-Maram min Adillatal-Ahkam, compiled by Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani (773 H - 852H). This book is a book of hadith thematic containing those hadithsas a source of law making fiqh (istinbath) by jurists.This book became the main reference in particular to the Shafi'ischool of fiqh from. This book includes fiqh that receive globalrecognition and also manytranslated worldwide.Book Description Bulughul Maram contains nearly 1600 pieces ofhadith. At each end of the hadith contained in BulughulMaram,Ibn Hajar mentions who the narrators of origin. Bulughul Maramenter hadiths are derived from primary sources such as Sahihal-Bukhari,Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Sunan an-Nasa'i,Sunan Ibn Majah and Musnad Ahmad and in others.Book Bulughul Maram has a special virtue for the entire hadithcontained in it later became the foundation cornerstone ofjurisprudence in Shafi.In addition to mentioning the origin of the hadiths contained init, the author also includes a comparison between some other hadithhistorythat comes from lines another. Because of these merits, BulughulMaram until now remained a reference book of hadith widely usedregardless of sect fikihnya.Method of preparationmethod used by Ibn Hajar in compiling the book is the method ofthematic (maudhu'i) based on the themes of jurisprudence, startingfrom Chapter Purification (Thaharah) to Chapter Compilation(al-Jami '). He selects some traditions from the books of Saheeh,Sunan, the Qur'aan, and al-Jami relating to the laws ofjurisprudence.Systematics book Bulughul Maram as follows:Consists of 16 chapters from Chapter Purification (Kitabat-Thaharah) until Chapter Compilation (Kitab al-Jami '), eachchapter consists of several sub-chapters. Contain as many as 1596pieces of authentic hadith, hasan, even dha'if themedJurisprudence.Cut (Ta'liq) circuit sanad, except at the level of friends andmukharrij.Sometimes include lines of narration hadith succinctly and withadditional editorial mentions of history more and explain itsstatus.explaining the status of weak hadiths (him there is a weakness,weak sanadnya ... etc.) or with the description of the clergy, suchas "weakened by Abu Hatim, etc.".In terms of reinforcing the hadeeth, Ibn Hajar include informationquick that only includes sanad without repeating the content ofhonor.Ibn Hajar uses certain terms dalampenyebutan issuing hadith(mukharrij), namely:1. Rowahu as-sab'ah to the hadith narrated by Imam seven in thescience of Hadith, namely Ahmad, Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud,Tirmidzy, Nasa'i and Ibn Majah2. Rowahu as-Sitta's hadith narrated by Imam besides sevenAhmad3. Rowahu al-khamsah to the hadith narratedby Imam besides seven Bukhari-Muslim4. Rowahu al-Arba'ah to the hadith narrated by Imam besides sevenAhmad, Bukhari and Muslim5. Rowahu ats-Tsalitsah to the hadith narrated by Imam besidesseven Ahmad, Bukhari, Muslim and Ibn Majah6. Agreed alaih to the hadith narrated by Bukhari-Muslim book ofexplanatory Many scholars who later compiled the book of theexplanation for the Book Bulughul Maram.
Tafseer Ibne Kathir Urdu 1.2
Taha Mahmood
Tafseer means explanation of Quran. The best way to explain anyQuranic Verse is to support it first with various other relatedQuranic Verses. Afterwards, Hadith is used for strengthening suchan explanation or tafseer. To find, collect and present the relatedQuranic Verses and Hadith are one of the greatest jobs that wasachieved by Imam Ibn Kaseer. Imam Ibn Kaseer (Hafiz ImaduddinAbulfida) was born on 701 Hijri Year in Basra city of Syria anddied in 774 Hijri Year in Damascus, Syria. His name is on top ofthe list of those Muslim Scholars who served Quran via life-timescholarly efforts. His "Tafseer Ibne Kaseer" stands out amongst allother explanations or tafseers of Quran as does Sahih Bokhari fromall other books of Hadith. Muhammad (pbuh) sent Muaz (raziallah) toYemen and asked "how will you decide?". Muaz (Razi Allah) replied,"From Quran". Muhammad (pbuh) said "If you don't find it in Quran,then?". Muaz (Razi Allah) replied "From the Sunnah of Allah'sProphet". Muhammad (pbuh) said "If it is not in my Sunnah, then?"Muaz (Razi Allah) replied "Now, I will do Ijtihad". At listeningthis, Muhammad (pbuh) said "Thanks to Allah, He enabled HisProphet's deputy to do which is favored by His Prophet". Features:- Complete book in Urdu - Easy and quick index navigation - Nointernet or online connection required for reading - Designed forboth Android mobile phones and tablets NOTE: We appreciate yourfeedback! Do write to us if u have suggestions/corrections!
Sahih Muslim Malay 1.0.2
Taha Mahmood
Sahih Muslim(Malaysian) is collection ofsayings reported from the beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The Appcontains many Ahadith to increase your knowledge about Islam and tolive a better life following the path of prophet Mohammed (SAW).App contains the collection of Ahadith based on different type oftopics of life.Each topic contain many Ahadith narrated by Sahaba(R.A).Download this free and easy to utilize collection of Sahih Hadithto gain insight about many of the valid Ahadith compiled by ImamMuslim.Features:- Complete book in Malaysian- Easy and quick index navigation- No internet or online connection required for reading- Designed for both Android mobile phones and tabletsNOTE: We appreciate your feedback! Do write to us if u havesuggestions/corrections!
Hadith Qudsi Arabic 1.2
Taha Mahmood
Hadith Qudsi in Arabic is an Android Application, which is designedto enlighten the Muslims with the teachings of 40 authentic Hadithof Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that are directly linked to Allah. ImamNawawi's Forty Hadith and Forty Hadith Qudsi are widely regarded asthe most popular anthology and the best introduction to the studyof the Prophet's Sayings in the English language. The Hadith Qudsi,or sacred hadith, have a particularly important status becausetheir meaning is entirely from Allah (swt) while the wording isthat of the Prophet Muhammad (s) himself. For each of the eightyhadith presented, the Arabic original has been printed alongsidethe English translation, which has earned a reputation for itsscholastic accuracy and readability Features: - Complete book inArabic - Easy and quick index navigation - No internet or onlineconnection required for reading - Designed for both Android mobilephones and tablets NOTE: We appreciate your feedback! Do write tous if u have suggestions/corrections!
Tafseer Ibne Kathir English 1.3
Taha Mahmood
Tafseer means explanation of Quran. The best way to explain anyQuranic Verse is to support it first with various other relatedQuranic Verses. Afterwards, Hadith is used for strengthening suchan explanation or tafseer. To find, collect and present the relatedQuranic Verses and Hadith are one of the greatest jobs that wasachieved by Imam Ibn Kaseer. Imam Ibn Kaseer (Hafiz ImaduddinAbulfida) was born on 701 Hijri Year in Basra city of Syria anddied in 774 Hijri Year in Damascus, Syria. His name is on top ofthe list of those Muslim Scholars who served Quran via life-timescholarly efforts. His "Tafseer Ibne Kaseer" stands out amongst allother explanations or tafseers of Quran as does Sahih Bokhari fromall other books of Hadith. Moulana Muhammad Junagarhi (1890-1941)from Junagarh, India translated it into Urdu language in 1930.Muhammad (pbuh) sent Muaz (raziallah) to Yemen and asked "how willyou decide?". Muaz (Razi Allah) replied, "From Quran". Muhammad(pbuh) said "If you don't find it in Quran, then?". Muaz (RaziAllah) replied "From the Sunnah of Allah's Prophet". Muhammad(pbuh) said "If it is not in my Sunnah, then?" Muaz (Razi Allah)replied "Now, I will do Ijtihad". At listening this, Muhammad(pbuh) said "Thanks to Allah, He enabled His Prophet's deputy to dowhich is favored by His Prophet". Features: - Complete book inEnglish - Easy and quick index navigation - User can customizeapplication setting like text size and text style. - No internet oronline connection required for reading - Designed for both Androidmobile phones and tablets NOTE: We appreciate your feedback! Dowrite to us if u have suggestions/corrections!
Tafseer Ibne Kathir Arabic 1.2
Taha Mahmood
Tafseer means explanation of Quran. The best way to explain anyQuranic Verse is to support it first with various other relatedQuranic Verses. Afterwards, Hadith is used for strengthening suchan explanation or tafseer. To find, collect and present the relatedQuranic Verses and Hadith are one of the greatest jobs that wasachieved by Imam Ibn Kaseer. Imam Ibn Kaseer (Hafiz ImaduddinAbulfida) was born on 701 Hijri Year in Basra city of Syria anddied in 774 Hijri Year in Damascus, Syria. His name is on top ofthe list of those Muslim Scholars who served Quran via life-timescholarly efforts. His "Tafseer Ibne Kaseer" stands out amongst allother explanations or tafseers of Quran as does Sahih Bokhari fromall other books of Hadith. Moulana Muhammad Junagarhi (1890-1941)from Junagarh, India translated it into Urdu language in 1930.Muhammad (pbuh) sent Muaz (raziallah) to Yemen and asked "how willyou decide?". Muaz (Razi Allah) replied, "From Quran". Muhammad(pbuh) said "If you don't find it in Quran, then?". Muaz (RaziAllah) replied "From the Sunnah of Allah's Prophet". Muhammad(pbuh) said "If it is not in my Sunnah, then?" Muaz (Razi Allah)replied "Now, I will do Ijtihad". At listening this, Muhammad(pbuh) said "Thanks to Allah, He enabled His Prophet's deputy to dowhich is favored by His Prophet". Features: - Complete book inArabic - Easy and quick index navigation - No internet or onlineconnection required for reading - Designed for both Android mobilephones and tablets NOTE: We appreciate your feedback! Do write tous if u have suggestions/corrections!
Islam Pro: Quran, Prayer times 1.3
Taha Mahmood
We are proud to present you Islam Pro: Quran, Prayer times app,made for all the people who praise Islam. Islam Pro: Quran, Prayertimes has nice features following is the list of it. - 99 Names ofAllah Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said “There are 99 names of Allah,and that anyone who memorizes all the names will be awardedparadise.” The 99 names of Allah are called 'Asma Ul Husna'(Pronounce Asma Al Husna) which in Arabic means ‘The Most BeautifulNames’. These islamic names are attributes of Allah SWT by whichMuslims regard God in Islam. - Al-Quran with arabic and EnglishTranslation chapter wise. Complete Quran Karim in Arabic andEnglish translation. - Hadith Qudsi List of 40 hadiths withreference - Hadith Nawawee List of 40 hadiths with reference -Quran Dua show Dua's appears in Quran with Reference. - 6 KalmasShow Arabic and translation of every Kalma in detail. - QiblaDirection this his application show Qibla direction of every majorcities "OFFLINE". Bye using this application you don't need toInternet, or extra services. no back-end services and data isrequired for Qibla direction, just go to setting and select yourcountry and respective city, then come back this to main screen tosee result, this app automatically update on screen rotationchange. - PrayerTimes An accurate App for getting Prayer Timings,Qibla direction and Hijri Calendar. No matter where you are. ThisApp works offline (no internet is required) and Contains almost allmajor cities data in it. - Hijri Calendar Hijri Calendar tomemorize the hijri date of current day and previous and next day. -Islamic wallpapers contains list of islamic wallpapers withdownload share and set as a wallpaper setting. - Hajj o Umrah Hajjo Umrah description with detail in pictures format. - IslamicStories Contains Islamic includes PROPHETS and SAHABAS - Saying'sof SAHABA Contains Saying of SAHABAS. - FREE app. No cost orpurchases required. Just download for FREE today, for use duringIslamic prayer times .
Animal World A-Z Collections 1.4
Taha Mahmood
Animals form the largest of the natural world's five kingdoms, withnearly 2 million different animal species having been recorded andnew animals are still constantly being discovered. Animals are themost varied living things on the planet and you would think soafter having evolved and adapted to their surroundings for morethan a billion years. Different levels of animals from prey topredators, and from those animals that live on the sea bed to thoseanimals that rule the skies, all make up the animal kingdom.Despite the fact that the evolution of animals came after theevolution of other living species, animals are now the dominantform of life on Earth. Two main reasons why animals have takenover, are the fact that animals can move, and that animals aresuccessfully able to adapt to changing environments in order tocontinue surviving successfully. Throughout this section, we lookinto what sets animals apart from other living organisms and fromone another. We will also look at their behavior including how theycommunicate and interact with others; their anatomy includingskeletons, senses and movement; the habitats in which they live;and the conservation that is being done around the world to try andprotect them.
Sahih Muslim Urdu 1.0.1
Taha Mahmood
Sahih Muslim(URDU) is collection ofsayingsreported from the beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The Appcontainsmany Ahadith to increase your knowledge about Islam and tolive abetter life following the path of prophet Mohammed (SAW).Appcontains the collection of Ahadith based on different typeoftopics of life.Each topic contain many Ahadith narrated bySahaba(R.A).Download this free and easy to utilize collection of SahihHadithto gain insight about many of the valid Ahadith compiled byImamMuslim.Features:- Complete book in URDU- Easy and quick index navigation- No internet or online connection required for reading- Designed for both Android mobile phones and tabletsNOTE: We appreciate your feedback! Do write to us if uhavesuggestions/corrections!
Hisnul Muslim English 1.2
Taha Mahmood
Hisnul Muslim is a beautiful, small but concise and authenticcollection of Azkars(rememberances) and Duas(supplications) fromHoly Quran and Sahih Ahadith of PBUH by Sheikh Saeed bin Ali binWahf al-Qahtani. Clear and Easily readable, Specially designedHisnul Muslim book with English translation. You can only read andlearn supplications (Adhkar) in English Which contains all the doas(supplications) you need to recite for all of your dailyactivities. Great book to have all the time with you. Hisnul Muslimprecious book composed by Sheikh Saeed bin Ali bin Wahf al-Qahtani,which compile authentic dua (supplications) and zikr(rememberances) from the quran and sunnah. Hisn-ul-Muslim -Invocations from the Qur'an & Sunnah. Features: - Complete bookin English translation - Can change text font size - Easy and quickindex navigation - No internet or online connection required forreading - Designed for both Android mobile phones and tablets NOTE:We appreciate your feedback! Do write to us if u havesuggestions/corrections!
Hadith Terpilih Malayu 1.0.2
Taha Mahmood
**Download Free Islamic Books**Read 1100 Terpilih Hadiths in your Mobile in Malaysian Languagewith customization options.Its the First 1100 Terpilih Hadiths on your Mobile with differentfonts selection. There are different Customization options insettings for text color to give you the best reading results. Youcan read all the Hadiths in your Android Mobiles with greatfeatures.App Features:- This Book is in Malaysian Language.- Cool effects, Can study for long, harmless for eyes.- Good support for Android SDK versions from 1.6 and up.- Work normal on any resolution.- Text send and share options added.- Beautiful graphics and interface.Topics of 1100 Hadits Terpilih Book:- Seruan dan Peringatan Allah Ta ala- Perihal Nabi-Nabi dan Rasul-Rasul- Muhammad Rasulullah Saw- Ketinggian Al-Qur an- Larangan Mencaci Sahabat-Sahabat Rasulullah Saw- Perintah Berpegang Pada Ad-Diin-Nya- Islam - Iman - Ihsan- Keistimewaan Muslimin dan Mukminin- Keutamaan Mempelajari Fiqih dan Ilmu Agama- Hari Kiamat dan Hisab- Surga dan Neraka- Sunnah-Sunnah Yang Utama- Bid ah dan Kesesatan- Maut dan Kematian- Syuhada- Sabda Nabi Saw Tentang Kuburan- Ibadah- Perintah Takut Kepada Allah- Keutamaan Do a- Keutamaan Dzikir- Niat Pangkal Seluruh Aktifitas- Wudlu- Shalat- Shaum Puasa- Zakat dan shodaqoh- Haji dan Umrah- Kebaikan dan Kebajikan- Perintah Beramar Ma ruf Nahi Mungkar- Amal Perbuatan- Syukur dan Tahmid- Akibat Berbuat Maksiat- Keutamaan Ikhlas- Keutamaan Ta at Kepada Allah- Keutamaan Takwa- Keutamaan Taqwa- Taubat dan Istighfar- Perihal Mesjid- Yang Berhak Mendapat Syafa at- Rahmat Allah- Kenikmatan- Bahaya Bersumpah- Fitnah- Kepemimpinan, Keadilan dan Politik- Hakim dan Kehakiman- Jihad dan Perang- Mata Pencaharian dan Hasil Kerja- Harta dan Kekayaan- Kemiskinan- Menunaikan Amanat- and more...
Sunan an Nasai in Arabic, English & Urdu 1.3
Taha Mahmood
Sunan an-Nasa'i (Nasai) is a collection of hadith compiled by ImamAhmad an-Nasa'i (rahimahullah). His collection is unanimouslyconsidered to be one of the six canonical collections of hadith(Kutub as-Sittah) of the Sunnah of the Prophet (). It containsroughly 5700 hadiths. Features: • Complete Book with multipletranslation in Arabic, English and Urdu. • Simply comprehensiblefunctionality yet pleasant graphics. • Ahadiths on nearly everyaspect of life matters are covered in it such as Faith,Purification, Prayers, Zakat, Fasting and many others. • With lastread hadith functionality user can know navigate easily to lastread hadith. • With Favorite Hadiths functionality user can markhis favorite hadiths into his collection. • Font Size can bemodified from small to large in relation to one`s own taste. • 5distinct Font Colors are available to choose from. • Share optionis also on hand which lets user communicate others about thisgreatly valuable app via diverse sharing platforms. • Full andAuthentic Book. • Completely free. Download this free applicationSunan an Nasai in Arabic, English & Urdu and easy to utilizecollection of Sahih Hadith to gain insight about many of the validAhadith compiled by Imam Ahmad an-Nasa'i (rahimahullah).
Hisnul Muslim Arabic 1.2
Taha Mahmood
Hisnul Muslim is a beautiful, small but concise and authenticcollection of Azkars(rememberances) and Duas(supplications) fromHoly Quran and Sahih Ahadith of PBUH by Sheikh Saeed bin Ali binWahf al-Qahtani. Clear and Easily readable, Specially designedHisnul Muslim book with Arabic text. You can only read and learnsupplications (Adhkar) in Arabic Which contains all the doas(supplications) you need to recite for all of your dailyactivities. Great book to have all the time with you. Hisnul Muslimprecious book composed by Sheikh Saeed bin Ali bin Wahf al-Qahtani,which compile authentic dua (supplications) and zikr(rememberances) from the quran and sunnah. Hisn-ul-Muslim -Invocations from the Qur'an & Sunnah. Features: - Complete bookin Arabic - Can change text font size - Easy and quick indexnavigation - No internet or online connection required for reading- Designed for both Android mobile phones and tablets NOTE: Weappreciate your feedback! Do write to us if u havesuggestions/corrections!
Halal Food Guide 1.0.2
Taha Mahmood
Halal Food Guide is a complete reference aboutall you need to know about Halal Food and its contents. Halal FoodGuide provides valuable information on sources of food ingredientsto make better-informed dietary choices. Halal Food Guide was bornout of frustration with reading through all the long-worded hard topronounce time-consuming ingredients that so many of us strugglewith every day.Features:- Complete book in English- Easy and quick index navigation- No internet or online connection required for reading- Designed for both Android mobile phones and tabletsTopics to learn.- Information about Halal & Haram- Halal and Haram Food Ingredients- Halal & Haram eCodes- Mushbooh (suspected or doubtful)- Verses from Quran related to Halal
Qasas Al-Anbiya Arabic 1.2
Taha Mahmood
Alhamdulillah, Stories of The Prophets or Qasas ul-ambiya is afamous work of Islamic literature. This book has compilation of allaccounts of information regarding various prophets and messengersthrough Islamic history. While some of the figures contained in thebook are not regarded as prophets by all Muslims, this literarypiece is still considered an important document in Islamic history.From all such compilations of the lives of prophets, this one isone of the most renowned. This app have all the stories sourcedfrom Quran, which include stories about Adam, Seth, Noah, Hud,Abraham, Jacob, Ayoub, Zulkifli, Younis, Shoaib, Moses, Aaron,Joshua, David, Solomon, Elias, Elisha, Uzair, Zakariya, Tahya,Jesus, Mohammad PBUH. Download "Qasas Al-Anbiya" or Stories of theProphets is any of various collection of tales adapted from theQuran and Hadith. These are the Islamic stories about the prophetssent to this world to tell us the right path and to tell us thatthere is only 1 God, Although almost 124,000 Prophets sent to thisuniverse, but in our Holy Quran have stories of these 30 Prophets:-Imam Imaduddin Abul-Fida Isma'il Ibn Kathir wrote this book. He wasthe author of Signs Before the Day of Judgment. He is also wellknown for his tafsir, which is widely considered authoritative.Features: - Complete book in English translation - Can change textfont size - Easy and quick index navigation - No internet or onlineconnection required for reading - Designed for both Android mobilephones and tablets NOTE: We appreciate your feedback! Do write tous if u have suggestions/corrections!
Quran Kareem English Translation 1.2
Taha Mahmood
We are here with this beautiful app Al-Quran with Englishtranslation. Al Quran: A Source of Guidance The ultimatemanifestation of God's grace for man, the ultimate wisdom, and theultimate beauty of expression: in short, the word of God. If onewere to ask any Muslim to depict it, most likely they would offersimilar words. The Quran, to the Muslim, is the irrefutable,inimitable Word of God. It was revealed by God Almighty, throughthe instrument of Prophet Muhammad (peace be Upon Him). The Prophet(peace be upon him) himself had no role in authoring the Quran, hewas merely a human secretary, repeating the dictates of the DivineCreator: "He (Muhammad-PBUH) does not speak of his own desire. Itis no less than an Inspiration sent down to him." [Noble Quran53:3-4] One of the most important characteristics of the Quran isthat it remains today, the only holy book which has never changed;it has remained free from any and all adulterations. Sir WilliamMuir noted, "There is probably in the world no other book which hasremained (fourteen) centuries with so pure a text." The Quran waswritten down during the lifetime and under the supervision of theProphet, who himself was illiterate, and it was canonized shortlyafter his death by a rigorous method which scrutinized both writtenand oral traditions. Thus its authenticity is unblemished, and isits preservation is seen as the fulfillment of God's promise:Following are the features: -- list of all the surahs of quran --complete translation of every surah -- you can share translationevery others. Download free application today.
Sahih Muslim English & Urdu 1.4
Taha Mahmood
Sahih Muslim English & Urdu is collection of sayingsreportedfrom the beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The App containsmanyAhadith to increase your knowledge about Islam and to live abetterlife following the path of prophet Mohammed (SAW). Appcontains thecollection of Ahadith based on different type of topicsoflife.Each topic contain many Ahadith narrated by Sahaba (R.A).SomeExciting Features of Sahih Muslim English & Urdu : -Completebook in Arabic with English & Urdu Translation. - Easyindexingof each chapter with search functionality. - WithBookmarkFuntionality, user can bookmark hadith of your own choice.- Usercan share hadith of different social media platform. -Applicationdesign can be customize, user can change Text style,text size andtext color for Arabic and English. - Multiple Themesalso added inthe application, so user can select his own theme fortheapplication. - User Friendly Design. - No internet oronlineconnection required for reading. - Designed for both Androidmobilephones and tablets. Download this free application SahihMuslimEnglish & Urdu and easy to utilize collection of SahihHadithto gain insight about many of the valid Ahadith compiled byImamMuslim. NOTE: We appreciate your feedback! Do write to us if uhavesuggestions/corrections!
Riyadh As Saliheen French 1.5
Taha Mahmood
The Gardens of the Righteous (Arabic: رياض الصالحينRiyadhas-Saliheen), is a compilation of verses from the Qur'an andhadithby Al-Nawawi in French Translation. It contains about 1905hadithsdivided across 373 chapters, many of which are introduced byversesof the Quran. - The Book of Good Manners - The Book abouttheEtiquette of Eating - The Book of Dress - The Book of theEtiquetteof Sleeping, Lying and Sitting, etc.- The book ofGreetings - TheBook of Visiting the Sick - The Book of Etiquette ofTraveling -The Book of Virtues - The Book of I'tikaf - The Book ofHajj - TheBook of Jihad - The Book of Knowledge - The Book ofPraise andGratitude to Allah - The Book of Supplicating Allah toExalt theMention of Allah's Messenger (PBUH) - The Book of theRemembranceof Allah - The Book of Du'a (Supplications) - The Bookof theProhibited Actions - The Book of Miscellaneous AhadithofSignificant values - and The Book of Forgiveness. It isconsideredas one of the most reliable sources of the sayings andtraditionsof the Holy Prophet (SAWS) in French. Riyadh-us-Saliheensaid tohave a remarkable number of authentic, strong as well as asmallnumber of weak Ahadith. The Ahadith compiled in thiscollection byone of the most reputed Imams of Islamic history coverevery aspectof Islamic creed and Muslim moral conduct. It is acomplete sourceof advice and guidelines for the entire MuslimUmmah. Some excitingfeatures of this beautiful Islamic application:- Complete book inFrench Translation. - Easy and quick indexnavigation to hadithbooks, chapters & hadiths. - No internet oronline connectionrequired for reading. - With share functionalityuser can sharehadiths with others on message or different socialmedia. - WithLast Read functionality user can easily navigate tolast readingchapter. - With bookmark functionality user can markdifferentchapter in favourite section. - User can changeapplication theme,text style, and text size by going into theSetting screen. - keepscreen on functionality keeps the screen onwhile reading, user canchange this functionality by going intosetting. Download this freeapplication Riyadh as-Saliheen in FrenchTranslation and easy toutilize collection of Sahih Hadith to gaininsight about many ofthe valid Ahadith compiled by Al-Nawawi. NOTE:We appreciate yourfeedback! Do write to us if u havesuggestions/corrections!
Riyadh As Saliheen English 1.5
Taha Mahmood
Riyadh as-Saliheen (Arabic: رياض الصالحين) (Meaning: The Gardensofthe Righteous) is a compilation of verses from the Qur'anandhadith by Al-Nawawi. It contains about 1750 hadiths dividedacross372 chapters. These hadiths 372 chapters divided into 20bookscategories as follows. - The Book of Miscellany - The Book ofGoodManners - The Book About the Etiquette of Eating - The BookofDress - The Book of the Etiquette of Sleeping, Lying andSittingetc - The Book of Greetings - The Book of Visiting the Sick- TheBook of Etiquette of Traveling - The Book of Virtues - TheBook ofItikaf - The Book of Hajj - The Book of Jihad - The BookofKnowledge - The Book of Praise and Gratitude to Allah - The BookofSupplicating Allah to Exalt the Mention of Allah's Messenger -TheBook of the Remembrance of Allah - The Book of Du'a(Supplications)- The Book of the Prohibited actions - The Book ofMiscellaneousahadith of Significant Values - The Book ofForgiveness It isconsidered as one of the most reliable sources ofthe sayings andtraditions of the Holy Prophet (SAWS).Riyadh-As-Saliheen is saidto have a remarkable number of authentic,strong as well as a smallnumber of weak Ahadith. The Ahadithcompiled in this collection byone of the most reputed Imams ofIslamic history cover every aspectof Islamic creed and Muslim moralconduct. It is a complete sourceof advice and guidelines for theentire Muslim Ummah. Some Excitingfeatures of this application -Complete Riyadh as-Saliheen inEnglish. - Easy and quick indexnavigation to hadith books,chapters & hadiths. - With sharefunctionality user can sharehadiths with others on message ordifferent social media. - Withsetting functionality user can changeapplication theme, text size,text color & text style. - keepscreen on functionality keepsthe screen on while reading, user canchange this functionality bygoing into setting. - With last readhadith functionality usereasily navigate to last reading hadith. -With bookmarkfunctionality user can mark favorites hadith intodatabase. - Nointernet or online connection required for reading. -Designed forboth Android mobile phones and tablets. Download thisfreeapplication Riyadh as-Saliheen and easy to utilize collectionofSahih Hadith to gain insight about many of the validAhadithcompiled by Al-Nawawi. NOTE: We appreciate your feedback! Dowriteto us if u have suggestions/corrections!